To improve organisational cultures of abuse and disempowerment affecting women and provide specialist support to pre-existing organisations working with women. This objective links to both straight-forward (e.g., training, coaching) and complex (e.g., broader organisational assessment, reflective practice, supervision, training, and other interventions) organisational referrals. This includes working with third-sector organisations, charities, statutory organisations, academic institutions, and private organisations.
To provide holistic, therapeutic support for the individual woman with lived experience of trauma/adversity and/or abuse and disempowerment. This objective links to an individual referral and will involve a formulation-based approach to an individual’s needs, inclusive of (as appropriate) direct therapy, therapeutic groups, signposting, and holistic well-being interventions.
To intervene in damaging societal narratives perpetuating misogyny, systemic injustices, risks, and power imbalances impacting women. To achieve this through the provision of education that introduces awareness of key issues ignored by the education system. This objective links to an educational referral, and the acknowledgment of the need to intervene at an early stage to shift unhelpful societal narratives around women. This objective is grounded in the acknowledgement that for broader societal change to occur, interventions also need to be targeted at male-dominated areas. ReNEW acknowledges that such issues facing women are everybody’s business, and education systems are responsible for socialising all individuals towards equality.
To lead on innovative, community, organisational, and co-produced research surrounding issues facing women, that makes a meaningful difference to women’s lives. This objective links to research conducted in-house with the professional expertise of ReNEW founders and the lived experience of ReNEW members, as well as service evaluation, audit, study design, and guidance on a consultancy basis.
To improve the representation of women in leadership roles and support all women to reach their full potential. This objective links to a coaching referral, aimed to enhance equitable opportunities for women within social and organisational settings, supporting women to achieve their personal goals, no matter the scale